Colin Lyons, 2015.
This exhibition is presented as a part of the Mayworks Windsor Festival 2016 which is presented annually by area arts, labour, environmental and social service groups and organizations.
In A Modern Cult of Monuments, Lyons explores the remnants left behind in the wake of our industrial pursuits, and how we can preserve, memorialize, or simply move beyond the weight of these ruins. Lyons fuses printmaking, sculpture, video, and chemical experiments, pushing printmaking beyond its traditional boundaries, as a re-enactment of the rise and fall of industrial economies. A Modern Cult of Monuments re-introduces the evidence of time, erosion and labour into the restoration process: the act of polishing bringing a sharpened awareness to the work that was once performed with these fragments. This exhibition includes monument-like sculptures made from re-appropriated post industrial rubble acquired in the Windsor area.
Images: Installation view, 2016.